Type Card Set


RED = HAVE (91)




1867 Troy Haymakers CdV's
1869 Red Stockings Peck and Snyder
1883 California League Cabinets
1870-71 Peck and Snyder Trade Cards
1886 Lorillard Team Cards
1886 Old Judge N167
1886 Syracuse Stars Hancock
1887 Allen and Ginter N28 
1887 Buchner N284
1887 Four Base Hits N-Unc.
1887 Kalamazoo Bats N690-1
1887 Kalamazoo Teams N690-2
1887 Lone Jack N370
1887 Scrapps Die Cuts
1887 Tobin Lithographs
1887-90 Old Judge N172
1888 Allen and Ginter N29 
1888 Allen and Ginter N43 
1888 August Beck N403
1888 G and B Chewing Gum Co E223
1888 Goodwin N162 
1888 Kimball's N184 
1888 S.F. Hess and Co. Creole N321
1888 WG1 Card Game
1888-89 Sporting Times M117
1889 Edgerton R. Williams Game
1889 N526 No. 7 Cigars
1889 S.F.Hess and Co. N338-1
1891 Braves Conly Cabinets
1891 Reds Cabinets Conly
1893 Duke Talk of the Diamond N135
1893 Just So1894 Duke Cabinets N142
1894 Orioles Team Issue
1894 Senators Cabinets Bell
1895 Mayo N300
1895 Newsboy N566
1898 Cameo Pepsin Gum Pins
1901-59#{Where the Chi
1903-04 Breisch-Williams E107
1903-11 Sporting Life Cabinets W600
1904 Red Sox Union Pins
1905 Carl Horner Cabinets
1905 Indians Souv. Pcard Cleveland PC785
1905 Rotograph Co. PC782
1906 A's Postcards
1906 Fan Craze AL WG2
1906 Fan Craze NL WG3
1906 Giants Ullman's Art Frame Series
1906-16 Police Gazette Supplements
1907 Cubs A.C. Dietsche Postcards PC765
1907 Cubs G.F. Grignon Co. PC775
1907 Newark Evening World Supplements
1907 White Sox George W. Hull
1907-09 Tigers A.C. Dietsche Pcards PC765
1908 All-American Ladies Baseball Club
1908 American League Publishing Co. PC770
1908 Buffalo Bisons F.J. Offerman
1908 Cardinals Republic
1908 Cubs Postcards
1908 Indianapolis Postcards
1908 Tigers Fred G.Wright Postcard
1908-09 Rose Company PC760
1908-10 American Caramel E91
1909 Briggs E97
1909 Cuban Cabanas
1909 Dodgers Daily Eagle Supplement
1909 Giants Derby Cigar
1909 H.H. Bregstone PC743
1909 Philadelphia Caramel E95
1909 Ramly T204
1909 Ramly T-204 Square Frames
1909 Senators Barr-Farnham Postcards
1909 T206 White Border
1909 Tigers Morton's Buster Br. Bread Pins
1909 Tigers Morton's Pen. Winner Bread Pins
1909 Tigers Wolverine News Pcards PC773-3
1909 W.W. Smith Postcards
1909-10 Tigers Topping and Co. PC773-1
1909-11 American Caramel E90-1
1909-11 Colgan's Chips E254
1909-11 Obak T212
1909-11 Tigers H.M. Taylor PC773-2
1909-13 Sporting News Supplements M101-2
1909-17 Max Stein/United States Publishing House PC758
1910 American Caramel Die Cuts E125
1910 Baseball Comics T203
1910 Baseball Fans
1910 Bishop Coast League E99
1910 Chicago E90-3
1910 Contentnea T209
1910 Darby Chocolates E271
1910 E101
1910 E102
1910 E98
1910 E-Unc. Orange Bordered Strip Cards
1910 Fatima Cigarettes Premiums
1910 J.H. Dockman All-Star Baseball E-Unc.
1910 Ju Ju Drums E286
1910 Kallis and Dane
1910 Luxello Cigar Pins
1910 Mello Mints E105
1910 Nadja Caramel E92
1910 Nadja E104
1910 Notebook Covers
1910 Old Mill T210
1910 Pirates American Caramels E90-2
1910 Pirates Hermes Ice Cream Pins
1910 Pirates Tip-Top D322
1910 Red Sun T211
1910 Sepia Anon PC796
1910 Standard Caramel E93
1910 Sweet Caporal Domino Discs
1910 Sweet Caporal Tobacco Pins
1910 W5551910 Washington Times
1910 Williams Caramels E103
1910 World Series Photo Pack
1910-13 Red Cross T215
1910-14 People's T216
1910-15 Ornate Oval Pins
1910-19 Coupon T213
1911 A's Fireside T208
1911 A's Rochester/Williams Baking D359
1911 Baseball Bats E-Unc.
1911 Big Eater E-Unc.
1911 Bishop Coast League E100
1911 Diamond Gum Pins
1911 E941911 Helmar Stamps
1911 Jones
1911 L1 Leathers
1911 Mecca Double Folders T201
1911 Pacific Coast Biscuit D310
1911 Pacific Coast Biscuit D311
1911 Pinkerton T5
1911 Plow's Candy E300
1911 S74 Silks
1911 S81 Large Silks
1911 Sporting Life M116
1911 Sporting Life M116 Cabinets
1911 T205 Gold Border
1911 Turkey Red T3 
1911 Zeenuts
1911-12 Obak Premiums T4
1912 Boston Garter
1912 Colgan's Red Border
1912 General Baking D304
1912 Hassan Triple Folders T202
1912 Home Run Kisses E136-1
1912 Imperial Tobacco C46
1912 PCL Pins
1912 Philadelphia Caramel E96
1912 Red Sox Boston Am. Series PC742-1
1912 Red Sox Bstn Daily Am. Souv. PC742-2
1912 Senators National Photo Company
1912 T207 Brown Background
1912 T227 Series of Champions
1912 Vassar Sweaters
1912 Zeenuts
1913 Boston Garter
1913 Colgans Tin Tops
1913 Fatima T200
1913 National Game WG5
1913 Oakland Oaks Team Issue
1913 Tom Barker WG6
1913 Zeenuts
1914 B18 Blankets
1914 Baltimore Orioles Schedules
1914 Boston Garter
1914 Cracker Jack E145-1
1914 E and S Publishing
1914 Fatima Players T222
1914 Lawrence Semon Postcards
1914 NY News Frank Chance Pin
1914 Pastime Novelty Postcard
1914 Piedmont Stamps T330-2
1914 Polo Grounds WG4
1914 Texas Tommy E224
1914 Zeenuts
1915 American Caramel E106
1915 Cracker Jack E145-2
1915 Sporting News PC757
1915 Victory T214
1915 Zeenuts
1916 BF2 Felt Pennants
1916 Fleischmann Bread D381
1916 New York World Advertisements
1916 Sporting News M101-5
1916 Tango Brand Eggs
1916 Zeenuts
1917 Collins-McCarthy E135
1917 Holsum Bread D327
1917 Sporting News M101-4
1917 Standard Biscuit
1917 White Sox Team Issue
1917 Zeenuts
1918 Zeenuts
1919 W514
1919 Winkleman's Quaker Bread Pin
1919 Zeenuts
1920 Gassler's American Maid Bread D381-1
1920 Mrs. Sherlock's Pins PB5-1
1920 Reds World's Champions PCs
1920 W516-1
1920 W520
1920 Walter Mails WG7
1920 Zeenuts
1921 Koester's Bread World Series Iss. D383
1921 Neilson's V61
1921 Oxford Confectionery E253
1921 Ruth Pathe
1921 Zeenuts
1921-22 E121 Series of 120
1921-22 E121 Series of 80
1921-23 National Caramel E220
1921-24 Exhibits
1922 American Caramel E122
1922 E120
1922 Fan T231
1922 Neilsons Chocolate
1922 Mrs. Sherlock's Pins PB5-2
1922 Rochester PE3
1922 W501
1922 W572
1922 W573
1922 W575
1922 William Paterson V89
1922 Zeenuts
1922-23 Kolbs Mothers' Bread Pins PB4
1923 Lections
1923 Maple Crispette V117
1923 W503
1923 W515
1923 W551
1923 Willards Chocolates V100
1923 Zeenuts
1923-24 Cuban Billiken
1923-24 Cuban Tomas Gutierrez
1924 Diaz Cigarettes
1924 Mrs. Sherlock's Bread Pins
1924 Senators Wright and Ditson
1924 Universal Toy and Novelty W-504
1924 Zeenuts
1924-25 Cuban Aguilitas Segundas
1924-25 Cuban Nacionales
1925 Exhibits
1925 Senators Holland Creameries
1925 Senators Oakland Tribune
1925 Zeenuts
1926 Exhibits
1926 Sport Company of America 
1926 Zeenuts
1926-27 Cuban Aguilitias
1926-27 Sporting News Supplements M101-7
1926-28 W590
1927 American Caramel E126
1927 Exhibits
1927 Honey Boy Ice Cream
1927 Middy Bread
1927 York Caramel E210
1927 Zeenuts
1928 Babe Ruth Candy Company E-Unc.
1928 Exhibits
1928 Exhibits PCL
1928 Fro Joy
1928 Portraits and Action R315
1928 Ruth Home Run Candy Membership
1928 Star Player Candy E-Unc.
1928 W502
1928 W512
1928 W513 
1928 W560 Playing Cards 
1928 Yuenglings
1928 Zeenuts
1928-32 La Presse
1929 A's Villa
1929 Blum's Baseball Bulletin
1929 Cubs Certified Ice Cream Pins
1929 Hack Wilson All-Weather Tire
1929 Portraits and Action Kahkin R316
1929 W553
1929 Zeenuts
1929-30 Exhibits Four-in-One
1930 A's Becker
1930 Chicago Evening American Pins
1930 Cubs Team Issue
1930 Post Famous North Americans
1930 Schutter-Johnson R332
1930 W554
1930 White Sox Team Issue
1930 Zeenuts
1931 Cardinals Metropolitan
1931 Cubs Blue Ribbon Malt
1931 Cubs Team Issue
1931 Senators Team Issue Photos W-UNC
1931 W517
1931 Zeenuts
1931-32 Exhibits Four-in-One
1932 Braves Team Issue
1932 Cubs Team Issue
1932 Double Play Candy Pins PX3
1932 Giants Schedule
1932 Minneapolis Millers Wheaties
1932 R337 Series Of 24
1932 Sporting News Supplement M101-8
1932 U.S. Caramel R328 
1932 Zeenuts
1932-34 Orbit Gum Pins Numbered
1932-34 Orbit Gum Pins Unnumbered
1933 Butter Cream R306
1933 Butterfinger Canadian V94
1933 Cracker Jack Pins
1933 Delong R333
1933 Exhibits Four-in-One
1933 George C. Miller R300
1933 Goudey Canadian V353
1933 Goudey R319
1933 Gum Inc Doubleheader Discs
1933 Minneapolis Millers Wheaties
1933 Mrs. Sherlock's Pins PB5-3
1933 National League All-Stars Comm.
1933 Rittenhouse Candy E285
1933 Ruth Blue Bird
1933 Sanella
1933 Sport Kings R338 
1933 Tatoo Orbit R305
1933 Tatoo Orbit Self Develop R308
1933 Uncle Jack
1933 Worch Cigar
1933 Worch Cigar Minors
1933 Zeenuts (Sepia)
1933-36 Zeenuts (B and W)
1934 Baby Ruth Gum
1934-36 Batter-Up
1934 Butterfinger Premiums R310
1934 Diamond Match Co. Silver Border
1934 Exhibits Four-in-One W463-4
1934 Goudey Canadian V354
1934 Goudey Card Album
1934 Goudey Premiums R309-1
1934 Goudey R320
1934 Tarzan Thoro Bread D382
1934 Tigers Team Issue
1934 Ward's Sporties Bread Pins
1934-36 Batter-Up R318
1934-36 Diamond Stars R327
1935 Al Demaree Die Cuts R304
1935 Cardinals Rice Stix
1935 Clark's Bread D-381-2
1935 Diamond Match Co. Series 2 ?
1935 Exhibits Four-in-One W463-5
1935 Gold Medal Flour R313A
1935 Goudey Premiums R309-2
1935 Goudey Puzzle R321
1935 Pebble Beach
1935 Quaker Babe Ruth Pin
1935 Schutter-Johnson R332
1935 Tigers Free Press 
1935 Wheaties BB1
1935-36 Diamond Match Co. Series 3 Type 1
1936 Cubs Team Issue
1936 Diamond Match Co. Series 3 Type 2
1936 Diamond Match Co. Series 4
1936 Exhibits Four-in-One W463-6
1936 Goudey B/W R322
1936 Goudey Wide Pen Premiums R314
1936 National Chicle Fine Pen Prem. R313
1936 National Chicle Maranville Secrets R344
1936 R311 Premiums
1936 R312 Pastel Photos
1936 S and S WG8*
1936 Wheaties BB3
1936 Wheaties BB4
1936 Wheaties BB5
1936 World Wide Gum V355
1936-39 Hall of Fame Postcards
1936-41 Overland Candy R301
1937 BF104 Blanket
1937 Dixie Lids 
1937 Dixie Premiums 
1937 Exhibits Four-in-One W463-7
1937 Goudey Flip Movies R326
1937 Goudey Knot Hole R325
1937 Goudey Thum Movies R342
1937 Kellogg's Pep Stamps 
1937 O-Pee-Chee Batter Ups V300
1937 Wheaties BB14
1937 Wheaties BB6
1937 Wheaties BB7
1937 Wheaties BB8
1937 Wheaties BB9
1937-38 Zeenuts
1938 Baseball Tabs
1938 Clopay Foto-Fun R329
1938 Dixie Lids 
1938 Dixie Premiums 
1938 Exhibits Four-in-One
1938 Goudey Heads Up R323
1938 Oakland Oaks Signal Oil Stamps
1938 Our National Game Tabs
1938 Quaker Oats Ruth
1938 Wheaties BB10
1938 Wheaties BB11
1938 Wheaties BB15
1938-39 Reds Orange/Gray W711-1
1938-59 George Burke PC744
1939 Coombs Mobil Booklets
1939 Cubs Team Issue
1939 Father and Son Shoes
1939 Goudey Premiums R303A
1939 Goudey Premiums R303B
1939 Orcajo Photo Art PC786
1939 Play Ball R334
1939 Reds Team Issue
1939 Sporting News Premiums
1939 Tigers Sportservice
1939 Wheaties BB12
1939 Wheaties BB13
1939 White Sox Team Issue
1939 World Wide Gum Trmmed Prem. V351B
1939 World Wide Gum V351A
1939-46 Exhibits Salutation
1939-52 Albertype Hall of Fame PC754-2
1940 Binghampton Crowley's Milk
1940 Dodgers Team Issue
1940 Phillies Team Issue
1940 Play Ball R335
1940 Red Sox Team Issue
1940 San Francisco Seals Associated Station Stamps
1940 Solons Hughes
1940 Wheaties M4 
1940 White Sox Lotshaw's
1941 Browns W753
1941 Cardinals W754
1941 Cubs Team Issue
1941 Dodgers Team Issue
1941 Double Play R330
1941 Goudey R324
1941 Phillies Team Issue
1941 Play Ball R336*
1941 Red Sox Team Issue
1941 Reds Harry Hartman W711-2
1941 Wheaties M5 
1942 A's Team Issue
1942 Cubs Team Issue
1942 Dodgers Team Issue
1942 Gillette Razor Label
1942 Red Sox Team Issue
1943 A's Team Issue
1943 Centennial Flour
1943 Cubs Team Issue
1943 Dodgers Team Issue
1943 Dodgers War Bonds
1943 Milwaukee Brewers Team Issue
1943 MP and Co. R302-1*C
1943 Phillies Team Issue
1943 Red Sox Team Issue
1943 Wilkes-Barre Barons
1943-48 Parade Sportive 
1944 Centennial Flour
1944 Cubs Team Issue
1944 Milwaukee Brewers Grand Studio
1944 Yankees Stamps
1945 A's Team Issue
1945 Centennial Flour
1945 Milwaukee Brewers Team Issue
1946-47 Caramelo Deportivo
1946 A's Team Issue
1946 Dodgers Team Issue
1946 Red Sox Team Issue
1946 Remar Bread*C
1946 Sears-East St. Louis PC783
1946 Sunbeam Bread
1946-49 Sports Exchange W603
1947 A's Team Issue
1947 Centennial Flour
1947 Diecut Menko Japan
1947 Dodgers Team Issue
1947 Homogenized Bond 
1947 Indians Team Issue
1947 Indians Van Patrick PC-761
1947 Jackie Robinson Bond Bread
1947 Padres Team Issue
1947 Red Sox Photo Records
1947 Red Sox Team Issue
1947 Remar Bread*C
1947 Royals Montreal
1947 Senators Gunther Beer PC
1947 Signal Oil*C
1947 Smith's Clothing*C
1947 Sunbeam Bread Solons
1947 Tip Top
1947 Yankees Team Issue
1947-65 PM10 Stadium Pins 2 1/8'
1947-66 Exhibits*
1947-66 PM10 Stadium Pins 1 3/4'
1948 Angels Team Issue
1948 A's Team Issue
1948 Babe Ruth Story
1948 Babe Ruth Story Premium
1948 Baseball Back
1948 Bowman*
1948 Braves Gentles Bread Label
1948 Dodgers Team Issue
1948 Exhibit Hall of Fame
1948 Giants Team Issue
1948 Indians Team Issue
1948 Kellogg's Pep 
1948 Red Sox Team Issue
1948 Signal Oil*C
1948 Smith's Clothing*C
1948 Sommer and Kaufman
1948 Swell Sport Thrills
1948 Thom McAn Feller
1948 White Sox Team Issue
1948 Yankees Team Issue
1948-49 Blue Tint R346
1948-52 Indians Pencil Clip Buttons PPC-2
1948-56 Exhibits Team
1949 Angels Team Issue
1949 A's Team Issue
1949 Bowman*
1949 Bowman PCL
1949 Dodgers Team Issue
1949 Eureka Stamps
1949 Fort Worth Cats
1949 Giants Team Issue
1949 Hollywood Stars
1949 Indians Team Issue
1949 Indians Vis Ed
1949 Leaf
1949 Leaf Premiums
1949 MP and Co. R302-2*C
1949 Olmes Studios
1949 Philadelphia Bulletin
1949 Phillies Lummis Peanut Butter
1949 Portland Beavers Pins
1949 Red Sox Team Issue
1949 Remar Bread*C
1949 SF Seals Tour JBR-13
1949 Solon Sunbeam/Pureta PC759
1949 Sommer and Kaufman
1949 W725 Angels Team Issue
1949 Yankees Team Issue
1950 All-Star Pinups
1950 American Nut and Choc. Co. Pennant
1950 A's Team Issue
1950 Bowman*
1950 Cubs Greats Brace
1950 Drake's
1950 Ft Worth Cats
1950 Hollywood Stars
1950 Indians Num Nums
1950 Indians Team Issue
1950 Mack 66 Years in the Big Leagues
1950 Phillies Philadelphia Inquirer
1950 Pirates Team Issue
1950 Red Sox Clark Locksmith
1950 Red Sox Team Issue
1950 Remar Bread*C
1950 Stockton Ports Sunbeam D316-2
1950 World Wide Gum V362
1950 Yankees Team Issue
1950-53 Royal Desserts-Have
1950-54 J.J.K. Copyart Photographers
1950-56 Callahan HOF W576*
1951 A's Team Issue
1951 Berk Ross 
1951 Bowman*
1951 Indians Hage's
1951 Indians Team Issue
1951 R423 Small Strip
1951 Topps Blue Backs*
1951 Topps Current All-Stars
1951 Topps Red Backs*C
1951 Topps Teams
1951 Wheaties 
1951-52 Fischer Baking Labels
1952 A's Team Issue
1952 Berk Ross
1952 Bowman*
1952 Browns Pencil Clip Buttons PPC-1
1952 Coke Tips
1952 Cubs Ben Bey
1952 Dixie Lids
1952 H-O Instant Oatmeal Records
1952 Indians Num Num
1952 Kagome Menko Japan
1952 La Patrie
1952 Laval Provinciale
1952 Mothers Cookies*
1952 Parkhurst
1952 Redman*
1952 Royal Premiums
1952 Star Cal Large
1952 Star Cal Small
1952 Tip Top
1952 Topps*
1952 Topps Advertising Panels
1952 Wheaties 
1952 White Sox Hawthorn-Mellody Dairy Pins
1953 A's Team Issue
1953 Bowman B/W*C
1953 Bowman Color*
1953 Braves Johnston Cookies*C
1953 Braves Merrell
1953 Cardinals Hunter's Wieners
1953 Dixie Lids
1953 Exhibits Canadian
1953 Fargo Moorehead
1953 Indians Team Issue
1953 MacGregor Staff
1953 Mothers Cookies*
1953 Northland Bread Labels
1953 Red Man*
1953 Red Sox First National Supr Mrkt Stores
1953 Red Sox Team Issue
1953 San Francisco Seals Team Issue*
1953 Sport Magazine Premiums 
1953 Stahl Meyer
1953 Tigers Glendale
1953 Topps*
1953 Topps Advertising Panels
1953 Yankees Photos
1953-54 Braves Spic and Span 3x5
1953-54 Briggs
1953-55 Dormand
1953-56 Braves Spic and Span 7x10
1953-59 Howard Photo Service PC751
1953-63 Artvue Hall of Fame Postcards
1954 A's Team Issue
1954 Bowman*
1954 Braves Douglas Felts
1954 Braves Douglas Portraits
1954 Braves Johnston Cookies*
1954 Braves Merrell
1954 Braves Spic and Span Postcards
1954 Cardinals Hunter's Wieners
1954 Dan Dee
1954 Dixie Lids
1954 Giants Jacobellis
1954 Indians Team Issue
1954 New York Journal American
1954 Orioles Esskay
1954 Orioles Team Issue
1954 Piersall Colonial Meat Products
1954 Red Heart*
1954 Red Man*
1954 Red Sox Team Issue
1954 Seattle Popcorn
1954 Stahl Meyer
1954 Topps*
1954 Wilson
1954-55 Cardinals Postcards
1954-55 Orioles Postcards
1954-55 Reds Postcards
1955 A's Rodeo Meats
1955 A's Team Issue
1955 Big League Inc. Statues
1955 Bowman*
1955 Bowman Advertising Strips…
1955 Braves Golden Stamps
1955 Braves Johnston Cookies*
1955 Braves Spic and Span Die-Cut
1955 Cardinals Hunter's Wieners
1955 Dairy Queen Statues
1955 Des Moines Homestead Bruins
1955 Dodgers Golden Stamps
1955 Giants Golden Stamps
1955 Indians Golden Stamps
1955 Indians Team Issue
1955 Jets Postcards
1955 Kahn's
1955 Orioles Esskay
1955 Phillies Felin's Franks
1955 Rawlings Musial…
1955 Red Man*
1955 Robert Gould Statues
1955 Robert Gould Booklet have
1955 Robert Gould W605
1955 Seattle Popcorn
1955 Stahl Meyer
1955 Topps*
1955 Topps Advertising Panels
1955 Topps Double Header*
1955 Topps Test Stamps
1955-56 Indians Carling Black Label
1955-62 Don Wingfield
1956 A's Rodeo Meats
1956 Cardinals Postcards
1956 Giants Jay Publishing
1956 Indians Team Issue
1956 Indians Team Issue Mail
1956 Kahn's
1956 Mantle Holiday Inn Postcard
1956 Orioles Postcards
1956 Phillies Postcards
1956 Pirates Team Issue
1956 Seattle Popcorn
1956 Topps*
1956 Topps Advertising Panels
1956 Topps Hocus Focus
1956 Topps Pins
1956 Yankees Jay Publishing
1956 Yankees Team Issue
1956 Yellow Basepath Pins
1956-57 Dodgers
1956-59 Orioles Postcards
1956-60 A's Postcards
1956-60 Braves Bill & Bob Pstcards PPC-741
1956-65 Reds Burger Beer
1957 A's Jay Publishing
1957 Braves 8x10
1957 Braves Spic and Span 4x5
1957 Chattanooga Lookouts Team Issue
1957 Giants Jay Publishing
1957 Hygrade Meats
1957 Indians Sohio
1957 Indians Team Issue
1957 Jets Postcards
1957 Kahn's
1957 Pirates Team Issue
1957 Reds Sohio
1957 Reds Team Issue
1957 Seattle Popcorn
1957 Swifts Franks
1957 Topps*
1957 Topps Advertising Panels
1957 Yankees Jay Publishing
1957-58 Cardinals Postcards
1958 A's Jay Publishing
1958 Braves Jay Publishing
1958 Buffalo Bisons Bond Bread
1958 Cardinals Jay Publishing
1958 Diamond Gallery
1958 Dodgers Bell Brand
1958 Dodgers Jay Publishing
1958 Dodgers Team Issue
1958 Dodgers Volpe
1958 Giants Armour Tabs
1958 Giants Jay Publishing
1958 Giants S.F. Call-Bulletin
1958 Hires*
1958 Hires Test*
1958 Indians Team Issue
1958 Jay Publishing All-Time Greats
1958 Jay Publishing Sluggers
1958 Jets Postcards
1958 Kahn's
1958 Montreal Royals FC53
1958 Orioles Jay Publishing
1958 Packard Bell
1958 Phillies Jay Publishing

RED = HAVE (119)

1958 Pirates Team Issue
1958 Red Sox Jay Publishing
1958 Reds Enquirer
1958 Reds Jay Publishing
1958 Seattle Popcorn
1958 Senators Jay Publishing
1958 Senators Team Issue
1958 Topps1958 Union Oil
1958 White Sox Jay Publishing
1958 Yankees Jay Publishing
1958 Yoo-Hoo Match Book Covers
1958-60 Phillies Team Issue
1958-61 Giants Falstaff Beer Team Photos
1958-63 Hartland Statues
1958-63 Orioles Postcards
1959 Armour Coins
1959 A's Jay Publishing
1959 Bauer Hayes Company PC750
1959 Bazooka
1959 Darigold Farms
1959 Dodgers Morrell
1959 Dodgers Postcards
1959 Dodgers Team Issue
1959 Dodgers Volpe
1959 Fleer Ted Williams*
1959 Indians
1959 Jay Publishing All-Stars
1959 Jimmy Fund Membership Card
1959 Kahn's
1959 Montreal Royals O'Keefe Ale
1959 Oklahoma Today Major Leaguers
1959 Orioles Jay Publishing
1959 Red Sox Jay Publishing
1959 Reds Enquirer
1959 Reds Shillito's Boys Shop
1959 Seattle Popcorn
1959 Senators Team Issue
1959 Tigers Graphic Arts Service PC749
1959 Topps*
1959 Topps Advertising Panels
1959 Topps Venezuelan
1959 Yankees Team Issue
1959 Yankees Yoo-Hoo
1959-61 Wilson Sporting Goods
1959-64 Reds Burger Beer Photos
1960 Armour Coins
1960 A's
1960 A's Jay Publishing
1960 A's Team Issue
1960 Bill Zuber Restaurant
1960 Braves Davison's
1960 Braves Jay Publishing
1960 Braves Lake to Lake*C
1960 Braves Spic and Span
1960 Cardinals Jay Publishing
1960 Cubs Jay Publishing
1960 Darigold Farms
1960 Dodgers Bell Brand*
1960 Dodgers Jay Publishing
1960 Dodgers Morrell
1960 Dodgers Postcards
1960 Dodgers Team Issue
1960 Dodgers Union Oil
1960 El Roy Face Motel
1960 Fleer*C
1960 Fleer Stickers
1960 Giants Jay Publishing
1960 Henry House Wieners
1960 Home Run Derby
1960 Indians Jay Publishing
1960 Kahn's
1960 Key Chain Inserts
1960 Leaf*C
1960 MacGregor Staff
1960 Maple Leafs Shopsy's Frankfurters
1960 Nu-Card Hi-Lites*
1960 Orioles Jay Publishing
1960 Orioles Postcards
1960 Phillies Jay Publishing
1960 Pirates Jay Publishing
1960 Pirates Tag-Ons
1960 Post 
1960 Rawling's Glove Tags
1960 Red Sox Jay Publishing
1960 Reds Jay Publishing
1960 Seattle Popcorn
1960 Senators Jay Publishing
1960 Senators Universal Match Corp.
1960 Tacoma Bank
1960 Tigers Jay Publishing
1960 Topps*
1960 Topps Advertising Panels
1960 Topps Tattoos
1960 Topps Venezuelan
1960 Union Oil
1960 White Sox Jay Publishing
1960 White Sox Ticket Stubs
1960 Yankees Jay Publishing
1961 Angels Jay Publishing
1961 A's Team Issue
1961 Bazooka
1961 Cardinals Jay Publishing
1961 Chemstrand Patches
1961 Columbus Jets
1961 Cubs Jay Publishing
1961 Dodgers Bell Brand
1961 Dodgers Jay Publishing
1961 Dodgers Morrell
1961 Dodgers Union Oil
1961 Fleer*C
1961 Giants Jay Publishing
1961 Golden Press*C
1961 Indians Team Issue
1961 Kahn's
1961 Maple Leafs Bee Hive
1961 Natl Bank Washington Tacoma Giants
1961 Nu-Card Scoops*
1961 Orioles Postcards
1961 Pirates Riger Ford
1961 Post*
1961 Rawlings
1961 Reds Jay Publishing
1961 Rochester Red Wing
1961 Seattle Popcorn
1961 Seven-Eleven
1961 Tacoma Bank
1961 Tigers Jay Publishing
1961 Topps*
1961 Topps Advertising Panels
1961 Topps Dice Game
1961 Topps Magic Rub-Offs
1961 Topps Stamps Inserts
1961 Twins Peter's Meats
1961 Twins Postcards
1961 Twins Universal Match Corp.
1961 Union Oil
1961 White Sox Rainbow Orchard Laundry Cleaners
1961 White Sox Ticket Stubs
1961 Wilson Sporting Goods H828
1961 Wilson Sporting Goods H828-1
1961 Yankees Jay Publishing
1961 Yankees Team Issue
1961-62 A's Jay Publishing
1961-62 Mini White Round Base Bobbin Heads
1961-62 Misc. Bobbin Heads
1961-62 Square White Base Bobbin Heads
1961-62 Twins Cloverleaf Dairy
1962 Angels Jay Publishing
1962 A's Team Issue
1962 Auravision Records*
1962 Baseball Pens
1962 Bazooka
1962 Braves Jay Publishing
1962 Cardinals Jay Publishing
1962 Colt .45's Booklets
1962 Colt .45's Houston Chronicle
1962 Colt .45's Jay Publishing
1962 Cubs Jay Publishing
1962 Dodgers Bell Brand*
1962/63 Dodgers Post Card Mitok & Sons
1962 Dodgers Jay Publishing
1962 Dodgers Volpe
1962 Exhibit Stat Back
1962 Giants Jay Publishing
1962 Gold-Mine
1962 Guy's Potato Chip Pins
1962 H.F. Gardner Sports Stars PC768 *
1962 Indians Jay Publishing
1962 Jello
1962 Kahn's
1962 Kahn's Atlanta
1962 Maris Game
1962 Mets Jay Publishing
1962 Orioles Jay Publishing
1962 Orioles Postcards
1962 Phillies Jay Publishing
1962 Pirates Jay Publishing
1962 Post*
1962 Post Canadian*
1962 Red Sox Jay Publishing
1962 Reds Enquirer
1962 Reds Jay Publishing
1962 Sain Spinner Postcard
1962 Salada Plastic Coins
1962 Seattle Popcorn
1962 Senators Jay Publishing
1962 Senators Newberrys Little Pro
1962 Shirriff Plastic Coins
1962 Sugardale
1962 Tigers Jay Publishing
1962 Tigers Post Cards Ford
1962 Topps*
1962 Topps Advertising Panels
1962 Topps Bucks
1962 Topps Stamps Inserts*
1962 Topps Venezuelan
1962 Tulsa Oilers Pepsi
1962 Twins Jay Publishing
1962 White Sox Jay Publishing
1962 White Sox Ticket Stubs
1962 Yankees Jay Publishing
1962 Yankees Team Issue
1962-64 Rnd Grn Base Blk Player Bobbin Heads
1962-64 Round Green Base Bobbin Heads
1962-65 Dodgers Postcards
1962-66 American Tract Society
1963 A's Jay Publishing
1963 Baseball Magazine M118
1963 Bazooka
1963 Bazooka ATG*
1963 Braves Jay Publishing
1963 Colt .45's Jay Publishing
1963 Colt .45's Pepsi-Cola
1963 Cubs Jay Publishing
1963 Dodgers Jay Publishing
1963 Exhibit Stat Back
1963 Fleer*C
1963 Gad Fun Cards 
1963 Giants Jay Publishing
1963 Hall of Fame Busts
1963 Indians Jay Publishing
1963 Jello
1963 Kahn's
1963 Mets Jay Publishing
1963 Milwaukee Sausage
1963 Musial Colt 45 Tribute
1963 Orioles Jay Publishing
1963 Orioles Postcards
1963 Phillies Jay Publishing
1963 Pirates IDL*
1963 Pirates Jay Publishing
1963 Post*
1963 Red Sox Jay Publishing
1963 Reds Enquirer
1963 Reds French Bauer Caps
1963 Reds Jay Publishing
1963 Rochester Red Wings Sch. Press W745
1963 Salada Metal Coins
1963 Seattle Popcorn
1963 Senators Jay Publishing
1963 Sugardale
1963 Tigers Jay Publishing
1963 Topps*
1963 Topps Advertising Panels
1963 Topps Stick-Ons/Peel Offs Inserts*
1963 Tulsa Oilers Pepsi
1963 Twins Jay Publishing
1963 Twins Volpe
1963 White Sox Jay Publishing
1963 White Sox Ticket Stubs
1963 Yankee Emblems
1963 Yankees Jay Publishing
1963-64 Angels Jay Publishing
1963-64 Cardinals Jay Publishing
1963-67 Yankees Requena K Postcards
1964 Angels Team Issue
1964 A's
1964 A's Jay Publishing
1964 Auravision Records
1964 Bazooka
1964 Bazooka Stamps
1964 Braves Jay Publishing
1964 Cardinals Team Issue
1964 Challenge The Yankees
1964 Colt .45's Jay Publishing
1964 Cubs Jay Publishing
1964 Dodgers Heads-Up
1964 Dodgers Jay Publishing
1964 Dodgers Volpe
1964 Giants Jay Publishing
1964 Indians Jay Publishing
1964 Kahn's*
1964 Mets Jay Publishing
1964 Mets Team Issue
1964 Orioles Jay Publishing
1964 Orioles Postcards
1964 Phillies Jay Publishing
1964 Phillies Philadelphia Bulletin
1964 Phillies Team Set
1964 Pirates Jay Publishing
1964 Pirates KDKA
1964 Red Sox Jay Publishing
1964 Red Sox Team Issue
1964 Reds Jay Publishing
1964 Seattle Popcorn
1964 Senators Jay Publishing
1964 Tigers Jay Publishing
1964 Tigers Lids
1964 Topps*
1964 Topps Advertising Panels
1964 Topps Coins*
1964 Topps Giants*
1964 Topps Rookie All-Star Banquet
1964 Topps Stand Ups*
1964 Topps Tattoos Inserts
1964 Topps Venezuelan
1964 Tulsa Oilers Pepsi
1964 Twins Jay Publishing
1964 Twins Volpe
1964 Wheaties Stamps
1964 White Sox Iron-Ons
1964 White Sox Jay Publishing
1964 White Sox Ticket Stubs
1964 Yankees Jay Publishing
1964-66 Rawlings
1965 Angels Matchbook Santa Ana
1965 A's Jay Publishing
1965 Astros Jay Publishing
1965 Bazooka
1965 Braves Jay Publishing
1965 Braves Team Issue
1965 Cardinals Jay Publishing
1965 Cardinals Team Issue
1965 Challenge The Yankees
1965 Cubs Jay Publishing
1965 Dodgers Jay Publishing
1965 Dodgers Team Issue
1965 Giants Jay Publishing
1965 Giants Team Issue
1965 Indians Jay Publishing
1965 Kahn's*
1965 MacGregor Staff
1965 Mets Jay Publishing
1965 Mets Postcards
1965 Old London Coins*
1965 O-Pee-Chee*
1965 Orioles Jay Publishing
1965 Orioles Postcards
1965 Phillies Ceramic Tiles
1965 Phillies Jay Publishing
1965 Phillies Pins
1965 Pirates Jay Publishing
1965 Red Sox Jay Publishing
1965 Red Sox Team Issue
1965 Reds Enquirer
1965 Reds Jay Publishing
1965 Seattle Popcorn
1965 Senators Jay Publishing
1965 Stengel Dugan Brothers
1965 Tigers Jay Publishing
1965 Topps*C
1965 Topps Embossed*C
1965 Topps Transfers*
1965 Twins Jay Publishing
1965 Twins Postcards
1965 White Sox Jay Publishing
1965 Yankees Jay Publishing
1966 Angels Dexter Press
1966 Angels Matchbook
1966 Aurora Sports Model Kits 
1966 Bazooka
1966 Braves Postcards
1966 Braves Volpe
1966 Cardinals Coins
1966 Cardinals Team Issue
1966 Columbus Yankees Royal Crown
1966 Cubs Team Issue
1966 Dexter Press
1966 Dodgers Records
1966 Dodgers Volpe Tumblers
1966 East Hills Pirates*C
1966 Fleer AS Match Game
1966 Indians Team Issue
1966 Indians Volpe Tumblers
1966 Jim Elder Postcards
1966 Kahn's
1966 Mets Postcards
1966 Mets Team Issue
1966 Mets Volpe Tumblers
1966 O-Pee-Chee*
1966 Orioles Postcards
1966 Pepsi Tulsa Oilers
1966 Phillies Team Issue
1966 Red Sox Team Issue
1966 Reds Team Issue
1966 Reds Volpe Tumblers
1966 Seattle Popcorn
1966 Senators Team Issue
1966 St. Petersburg Cardinals Team Issue
1966 Tigers Team Issue
1966 Tigers Volpe Tumblers
1966 Toledo Mud Hens Team Issue
1966 Topps*C
1966 Topps Advertising Panels
1966 Topps Rub-Offs*
1966 Topps Venezuelan
1966 Tulsa Pepsi Oilers
1966 Twins Fairway Grocery
1966 White Sox Team Issue
1966 Yankees Team Issue
1966-72 Round Gold Base Bobbin Heads
1967 Ashland Oil
1967 Astros
1967 Astros Team Issue 12
1967 Astros Team Issue 25
1967 Bazooka
1967 Braves Irvingdale Dairy
1967 Braves Photos
1967 Buffalo Bisons Jones Dairy
1967 Coke Caps All-Stars
1967 Coke Caps All-Stars AL
1967 Coke Caps All-Stars NL
1967 Coke Caps Astros
1967 Coke Caps Athletics
1967 Coke Caps Baseball Tips
1967 Coke Caps Braves
1967 Coke Caps Cubs
1967 Coke Caps Dodgers
1967 Coke Caps Dodgers/Angels
1967 Coke Caps Giants
1967 Coke Caps Indians
1967 Coke Caps Orioles
1967 Coke Caps Phillies
1967 Coke Caps Pirates
1967 Coke Caps Red Sox
1967 Coke Caps Reds
1967 Coke Caps Senators
1967 Coke Caps Tigers
1967 Coke Caps Twins
1967 Coke Caps White Sox
1967 Coke Caps Yankees and Mets
1967 Dexter Press
1967 Kahn's
1967 Laughlin World Series
1967 Mets Postcards
1967 Mets Team Issue
1967 Nassau Health Ford
1967 O-Pee-Chee*
1967 O-Pee-Chee Paper Inserts
1967 Phillies Police
1967 Pirates Stickers Topps
1967 Pirates Team Issue
1967 Pirates Team Issue 8 by 10
1967 Pro's Pizza
1967 Red Sox Stickers Topps
1967 Red Sox Team Issue
1967 Reds Postcards
1967 Seattle Popcorn
1967 Senators Postcards
1967 Senators Team Issue
1967 Tigers Dexter Press
1967 Topps*
1967 Topps Advertising Panel
1967 Topps Posters*C2*
1967 Topps Test Foil
1967 Topps Venezuelan
1967 Topps Venezuelan Winter League
1967 Twins Team Issue
1967 Vancouver Mounties Standard Oil
1967 Who am I*
1967 Yankees Photos SCFC
1967-69 Orioles Postcards
1967-71 Sport Hobbyist Famous Cards
1968 Atlantic Oil 
1968 Atlantic Oil Play Ball Contest Cards
1968 Bazooka
1968 Braves Postcards
1968 Coke Caps Astros
1968 Coke Caps Braves
1968 Coke Caps Orioles
1968 Coke Caps Red Sox
1968 Coke Caps Tigers
1968 Cubs Pro's Pizza
1968 Dexter Press*
1968 Kahn's
1968 Laughlin World Series
1968 Memphis Blues Red Barn
1968 Milton Bradley*
1968 O-Pee-Chee*
1968 Orioles Dexter Press/Coca Cola Postcards
1968 Pirates KDKA*
1968 Pirates Team Issue
1968 Red Sox Team Issue
1968 Reds Postcards
1968 Rose Jamesway Trucking
1968 SCFS Old Timers
1968 Seattle Popcorn
1968 Senators Team Issue
1968 Senators Team Issue 8 1/2 x 11
1968 Sports Memorabilia All-Time Greats
1968 Tigers Detroit Free Press Bubblegumless
1968 Tigers Team Issue
1968 Topps*C
1968 Topps 3-D
1968 Topps Action Stickers
1968 Topps Game Card Inserts*C
1968 Topps Giant Stand Ups
1968 Topps Plaks
1968 Topps Plaks Checklists
1968 Topps Posters
1968 Topps Test Discs
1968 Topps Venezuelan
1968 Yankees Photos SCFC
1968-72 Fleer Cloth Stickers
1969 Angels Jack in the Box*
1969 A's Black and White
1969 Braves Birthday Party Photo Stamps
1969 Citgo Metal Coins
1969 Cubs Bumper Stickers
1969 Cubs Jewel Tea
1969 Cubs Photos
1969 Cubs Team Issue Color
1969 Expos Fud's Photography
1969 Expos Pins
1969 Kahn's
1969 Kelly's Potato Chips
1969 Mets Boy Scouts
1969 Mets Citgo
1969 Mets New York Daily News
1969 Mets Team Issue
1969 Mets Team Issue Color
1969 Milton Bradley*C
1969 MLB Official Stamps
1969 MLBPA Pins
1969 Nabisco Team Flakes*C
1969 O-Pee-Chee*
1969 O-Pee-Chee Deckle*C
1969 Orioles Postcards Color
1969 Padres Volpe
1969 Phillies Team Issue
1969 Pilots Post-Intelligencer
1969 Pilots Wheeldon
1969 Pirates Greiner*C
1969 Pirates Jack in the Box
1969 Pirates Team Issue
1969 Rawlings
1969 Red Sox Arco Oil
1969 Red Sox Team Issue
1969 Red Sox Team Issue Color
1969 Reds Postcards
1969 Royals Solon
1969 Royals Team Issue
1969 Senators Team Issue 8x10
1969 Tasco Associates
1969 Tigers Farmer Jack
1969 Tigers Team Issue
1969 Tigers Team Issue Color
1969 Topps*C
1969 Topps Bowie Kuhn
1969 Topps Decals Inserts*
1969 Topps Deckle Inserts*C9
1969 Topps Four-in-One
1969 Topps Stamp Albums*
1969 Topps Stamps
1969 Topps Super
1969 Topps Team Posters
1969 Transogram
1969 Twins Team Issue Color
1969 White Sox Team Issue Black and White
1969 White Sox Team Issue Color
1969 Yankees Malanga
1969 Yankees Photos SCFC
1970 A's Black and White
1970 Astros Photos
1970 Astros Team Issue
1970 Braves Stamps
1970 Brewers McDonald's*C
1970 Brewers Milk
1970 Brewers Team Issue
1970 Cardinals Team Issue
1970 Chemtoy Superball
1970 Cubs Dunkin Donuts
1970 Dayton Daily News M137
1970 Expos Pins
1970 Expos Postcards
1970 Fleer World Series*
1970 Giants
1970 Giants Chevrolet Bonds
1970 House of Jazz
1970 Indians
1970 Kellogg's*
1970 Metropolitan Museum of Art Burdick
1970 Mets Nestle's Quik
1970 Mets Team Issue
1970 Mets Team Issue Color
1970 Mets Transogram Statues
1970 Milton Bradley*
1970 MLB Official Stamps
1970 O-Pee-Chee*
1970 Orioles Black and White
1970 Orioles Matchbooks
1970 Orioles Postcards
1970 Phillies Team Issue
1970 Pirates Team Issue
1970 Red Sox Color Photo Post Cards
1970 Reds Team Issue
1970 Rold Gold*
1970 Royals Team Issue
1970 Senators Police Yellow
1970 Sp. Cards Collectors Old-Timer Postcards
1970 Sunoco Pins
1970 Topps*C2
1970 Topps Booklets*
1970 Topps Candy Lid
1970 Topps Cloth Stickers
1970 Topps Posters Inserts
1970 Topps Scratch-offs*C
1970 Topps Super*
1970 Transogram Statues
1970 Twins Super Valu
1970 Twins Team Issue
1970 Venezuelan Ovenca*C
1970 White Sox Team Issue
1970 Wichita Aeros McDonald's
1970 Yankees Clinic Day Postcards
1970 Yankees Photos SCFC
1970-71 Action Cartridge
1970-79 Religious Pamphlets
1971 Aldama Yesterday Heroes
1971 All-Star Baseball Album
1971 Angels Jack in the Box*C
1971 A's Postcards
1971 Astros Coke
1971 Astros Team Issue
1971 Bazooka Numbered Test
1971 Bazooka Unnumbered
1971 Brewers Team Issue
1971 Cardinals Team Issue
1971 Dell Stamps*
1971 Dell Stamps Magazines*
1971 Dodgers Photos
1971 Dodgers Ticketron*
1971 Expos La Pizza Royale
1971 Expos Pro Stars
1971 Fleer World Series*C
1971 Giants Ticketron*C
1971-78 Giants Team Issue
1971 Indians
1971 Kellogg's*
1971 Mattel Mini-Records
1971 Mets Team Issue
1971 Mets Team Issue Autographs
1971 Mets Team Issue Color
1971 Milk Duds*
1971 MLB Official Stamps
1971 O-Pee-Chee*
1971 Orioles Aldama
1971 Orioles Champions
1971 Orioles Postcards
1971 Phillies Arco Oil*C
1971 Pirates
1971 Pirates Action Photos
1971 Pirates Arco Oil
1971 Pirates Post-Gazette Inserts
1971 Red Sox Arco Oil
1971 Red Sox Team Issue
1971 Reds Postcards
1971 Richmond Braves Team Issue
1971 Royals Signature Series Team
1971 Senators Police Pink
1971 Senators Team Issue W-UNC
1971 Syracuse Chiefs Postcards
1971 Topps*C
1971 Topps Coins Inserts*
1971 Topps Greatest Moments
1971 Topps Scratch-Offs*C
1971 Topps Super*
1971 Topps Tattoos
1971 White Sox Mugs
1971 Yankee Clinic Day Postcards
1971 Yankees Arco Oil
1972 Angels Postcards
1972 A's Postcards
1972 Astros Team Issue
1972 Cardinals Team Issue
1972 Cedar Rapids Cardinals TCMA
1972 Classic Cards
1972 Clemente Daily Juice
1972 Cubs Chi-Foursome
1972 Cubs Team Issue
1972 Dodgers McDonald's
1972 Esso Coins
1972 Expos Matchbooks
1972 Fleer Famous Feats*C2
1972 Gera Postcard
1972 Indians Brown Derby Poster
1972 Kellogg's*
1972 Kellogg's ATG*C
1972 Laughlin Great Feats
1972 Mets Team Issue
1972 Milton Bradley*
1972 O-Pee-Chee*
1972 Orioles DMV
1972 Orioles Postcards
1972 Padres Postcards
1972 Phillies Ticketron
1972 Pirates Team Issue
1972 Pro Stars Postcards
1972 Rangers Team Issue
1972 Red Sox Team Issue
1972 Royals Team Issue
1972 San Fransisco Seals 
1972 Seattle Rainers Team Issue
1972 Seven-Eleven Trading Cups
1972 Tacoma Twins Team Issue
1972 TCMA the 1930's Panels
1972 TCMA's the 30's
1972 Tigers Team Issue
1972 Topps*
1972 Topps Candy Lids
1972 Topps Cloth Test
1972 Topps Posters
1972 Topps Test 53
1972 Twins Team Issue
1972 Venezuelan Topps Stamps
1972 White Sox
1972 White Sox Chi-Foursome
1972 White Sox Durochrome Stickers
1972 White Sox Team Issue
1972 Yankees Schedules
1972 Yankees Team Issue
1973 Angels Postcards
1973 A's 1874 TCMA Postcards
1973 A's Postcards
1973 Cedar Rapids Astros TCMA
1973 Clemente Pictureform
1973 Cubs Jewel
1973 Dodgers 
1941 TCMA???
1973 Dodgers Postcards
1973 Dodgers Team Issue
1973 Expos Matchbooks
1973 Expos Postcards
1973 Fleer Big Signs
1973 Fleer Wildest Days*
1973 Hall of Fame Picture Pack
1973 Indians Arthur Treacher Cups
1973 Indians Team Issue
1973 Kellogg's 2D*
1973 Mets All-Time Ed Broder
1973 Mets Team Issue
1973 New York Sunday News M138
1973 O-Pee-Chee*
1973 O-Pee-Chee Blue Team Checklists*
1973 Orioles Johnny Pro
1973 Orioles Team Issue
1973 Padres Dean's
1973 Phillies Team Issue
1973 Pirates Post/Gazette Inserts
1973 Rangers Team Issue
1973 Seven-Eleven Trading Cups
1973 Sports Scoop HOF Candidates
1973 Syracuse Chiefs Team Issue
1973 Tacoma Twins Caruso
1973 TCMA All-Time Greats
1973 Tigers Jewel
1973 Topps*C2
1973 Topps Blue Team Checklists*C2
1973 Topps Candy Lids
1973 Topps Comics
1973 Topps Pin-Ups
1973 Trois-Rivieres Aigles
1973 White Sox Jewel
1973 Wichita Aeros J.P. Kelly Bank
1973 Yankees Team Issue
1973-02 Book Promotional Cards
1973-74 Calbee Japan
1973-74 Linnett Portraits
1973-74 Orioles Postcards
1973-74 Venezuelan Winter League Stickers

RED = HAVE (74)

1974 Aaron 715 Homer
1974 Albuquerque Dukes Caruso
1974 Albuquerque Dukes Team Issue
1974 Angels Postcards
1974 A's 1910-14 TCMA Postcards
1974 A's 1929-31 TCMA
1974 A's 1931 BraMac
1974 A's Postcards
1974 Astros 4-on-1 Team Issue Posters
1974 Barretts Aaron Appearance
1974 Bramac 1933 National League All-Stars
1974 Braves Photo Cards
1974 Braves Team Issue
1974 Broder Popcorn
1974 Capital Publishing
1974 Cardinal Postcards
1974 Cardinals 1934 TCMA
1974 Cards 1931 Bra-Mac
1974 Cedar Rapids Astros TCMA
1974 Cubs 1938 Bra-Mac
1974 Cubs Team Issue
1974 Cy Young Museum Postcard
1974 Dodgers 1890 Program TCMA
1974 Dodgers 1952 TCMA
1974 Expos Weston
1974 Fleer Baseball Firsts*
1974 Gastonia Rangers TCMA
1974 Greyhound Heroes of Base Paths
1974 Hawaii Islanders Caruso
1974 Indians Team Issue
1974 Kaline Sun-Glo Pop
1974 Kellogg's*C
1974 Laughlin All-Star Games
1974 Laughlin Old Time Black Stars
1974 Laughlin Sportslang
1974 Magnavox Aaron
1974 Mets Dairylea Photo Album
1974 Mets Japan Ed Broder
1974 Mets Original Ed Broder
1974 New York News This Day in Sports 
1974 O-Pee-Chee*
1974 O-Pee-Chee Team Checklists*
1974 Padres Dean's*C
1974 Padres McDonald Discs
1974 Padres Team Issue
1974 Phillies Johnny Pro
1974 Phoenix Giants Caruso
1974 Pirates 1938 Bra-Mac
1974 Reds 1939-40 Bra-Mac
1974 Royals Postcards
1974 Sacramento Solons Caruso
1974 Salt Lake City Angels Caruso
1974 Spokane Indians Caruso
1974 Syracuse Chiefs Team Issue
1974 Tacoma Twins Caruso
1974 TCMA Nicknames
1974 Tigers
1974 Tigers TCMA 1934-35 AL Champions
1974 Topps*C9
1974 Topps Deckle Edge
1974 Topps Puzzles
1974 Topps Stamp Albums
1974 Topps Stamps*C
1974 Topps Team Checklists*C36
1974 Topps Traded*C9
1974 Wichita Aeros One Day Film
1975 Albuquerque Dukes Caruso
1975 Anderson Rangers TCMA
1975 Angels Postcards
1975 Appleton Foxes TCMA
1975 A's 1913 TCMA
1975 A's Postcards
1975 Astros Postcards
1975 Baseball Royalty
1975 Blankback Discs
1975 Bob Parker Reds
1975 Braves Postcards
1975 Brewers Broadcasters
1975 Burlington Bees TCMA
1975 Cardinals Postcards
1975 Cedar Rapids Giants TCMA
1975 Clarence Mengler Baseball's Best
1975 Clinton Pilots TCMA
1975 Cobb McCallum
1975 Dodgers All-Time TCMA
1975 Dodgers Postcards
1975 Dubuque Packers TCMA
1975 Expos Postcards
1975 Fleer Pioneers*C
1975 Fort Lauderdale Yanks Sussman
1975 Giants1975 Giants 1951 TCMA
1975 Giants All-Time TCMA
1975 Giants Team Issue
1975 Greyhound Heroes of Base Paths
1975 Hawaii Islanders Caruso
1975 Hostess*
1975 Hostess Twinkie*
1975 Indians 1954 TCMA
1975 Indians JB Robinson
1975 Indians Postcards
1975 International League All Stars Broder
1975 International League All-Stars TCMA
1975 Iowa Oaks TCMA
1975 Kellogg's*
1975 Lafayette Drillers TCMA
1975 Laughlin Batty Baseball
1975 Lynchburg Rangers TCMA
1975 Mets 1963 Morey
1975 Mets SSPC
1975 Mike Mandel
1975 Oakland Oaks 20th Anniversary
1975 Oklahoma City 89ers Team Issue
1975 Omaha Royals Team Issue
1975 O-Pee-Chee*
1975 Orioles Postcards
1975 Pacific Coast League All-Stars Broder
1975 Padres Dean's
1975 Phillies 1950 TCMA
1975 Phillies Photo Album
1975 Phillies Postcards
1975 Phillies Promotional Photo Sheet
1975 Phoenix Giants Caruso
1975 Phoenix Giants Circle K
1975 Pirates Postcards
1975 Quad City Angels TCMA
1975 Rangers Postcards
1975 Red Sox 1946 TCMA
1975 Red Sox Herald
1975 Royals Postcards
1975 Sacramento Solons Caruso
1975 Salt Lake City Caruso
1975 San Antonio Brewers TCMA
1975 Senators 1924-25 TCMA
1975 Shakey's Pizza
1975 Sheraton Great Plains Greats
1975 Shreveport Captains TCMA
1975 Spokane Indians Caruso
1975 Sports Hobbyist Baseball Greats
1975 SSPC 18
1975 SSPC 42
1975 SSPC Puzzle Back (Parker)
1975 SSPC Samples
1975 Syracuse Chiefs Team Issue
1975 Tacoma Twins KMMO
1975 TCMA 1950 Phillies
1975 TCMA All-Time Greats
1975 TCMA Guam
1975 TCMA House of Jazz
1975 TCMA Larry French Postcards
1975 TCMA Yankees 1936-1939*
1975 Tidewater Tides Team Issue
1975 Tigers Postcards
1975 Topps*C3
1975 Topps Mini*C
1975 Topps Photographers
1975 Topps Team Checklist Sheet
1975 Tucson Toros Caruso
1975 Tucson Toros Team Issue
1975 Tulsa Oilers 7-11
1975 Twins Postcards
1975 Twins Team Issue
1975 Waterbury Dodgers TCMA
1975 Waterloo Royals TCMA
1975 West Palm Beach Expos Sussman
1975 White Sox 1919 TCMA
1975 Yankees 1927 TCMA*
1975 Yankees All-Time Team TCMA
1975 Yankees Dynasty 1936-39 TCMA*
1975 Yankees SSPC
1975-76 Great Plains Greats
1976 Angels Postcards
1976 Appleton Foxes TCMA
1976 Arkansas Travelers TCMA
1976 A's Postcards
1976 A's Rodeo Meat Commemorative
1976 Asheville Tourists TCMA
1976 Astros Post Dierker
1976 Astros Postcards
1976 Batavia Trojans Team Issue
1976 Baton Rouge Cougars TCMA
1976 Blankback Discs*C
1976 Braves Postcards
1976 Brewers A and P
1976 Buckman Discs*C
1976 Burlington Bees TCMA
1976 Cardinals Postcards
1976 Carousel Discs*C
1976 Cedar Rapids Giants TCMA
1976 Chevy Prints
1976 Chicago Greats
1976 Clinton Pilots TCMA
1976 Cool Papa Bell
1976 Crane Discs*C
1976 Cubs TCMA 1938
1976 Cubs Tribune
1976 Dairy Isle Discs*C
1976 Dallas Convention
1976 Dodgers Postcards
1976 Dubuque Packers TCMA
1976 Expos Matchbooks
1976 Expos Postcards
1976 Expos Redpath
1976 Fort Lauderdale Yanks Sussman
1976 Funky Facts
1976 Galasso Baseball's Great Hall of Fame
1976 Giants Postcards
1976 Grand Slam
1976 Greyhound Heroes of Base Paths
1976 Hawaii Islanders Caruso
1976 Hostess*C
1976 Hostess Twinkie*
1976 HR Tires (1942 PB)
1976 Indianapolis Indians Team Issue
1976 Indians Team Issue
1976 Isaly Discs*
1976 ISCA Hoosier Hot-Stove All-Stars
1976 Jerry Jonas Promotion Cards
1976 Jimmy Fund
1976 Kellogg's*C
1976 Laughlin Diamond Jubilee
1976 Laughlin Indianapolis Clowns
1976 Linnett Superstars*
1976 Mets '63 SSPC
1976 Mets MSA Placemats
1976 Motorola Old Timers
1976 Oklahoma City 89ers Team Issue
1976 Omaha Royals Top Trophies
1976 O-Pee-Chee*
1976 Orbakers Discs*C
1976 Orioles English's Chicken Lids
1976 Orioles Postcards
1976 Phillies Canada Dry Cans
1976 Phillies MSA Placemats
1976 Phillies Postcards
1976 Phillies Safelon Lunchbags
1976 Phoenix Giants Caruso
1976 Phoenix Giants Coca Cola
1976 Phoenix Giants Cramer
1976 Phoenix Giants Valley National Bank
1976 Pirates Postcards
1976 Quad City Angels TCMA
1976 Rawlings
1976 Red Barn Discs
1976 Red Sox Star Market
1976 Reds Icee Lids
1976 Reds Kroger
1976 Reds Parker Classic
1976 Rowe Exhibits
1976 Royals A and P
1976 Royals Postcards
1976 Sacramento Solons Caruso
1976 Safelon Discs*
1976 Salt Lake City Gulls Caruso
1976 San Antonio Brewers Team Issue
1976 Seattle Rainiers Cramer
1976 Shakey's Pizza
1976 Shreveport Captains TCMA
1976 Spokane Indians Caruso
1976 Sportstix
1976 SSPC
1976 SSPC 1887 World Series
1976 SSPC Promos
1976 SSPC Yankees Old-Timers Day
1976 Tacoma Twins Dairy Queen
1976 Taylor/Schmierer Bowman 47
1976 TCMA 1938 Cubs NL Champs
1976 TCMA Umpires
1976 Tigers Old-Timers Troy Show
1976 Tigers Postcards
1976 Topps*C3
1976 Topps Cloth Sticker Test
1976 Topps Garagiola
1976 Topps Team Checklist Sheet
1976 Topps Traded*C2
1976 Towne Club Discs*
1976 Tucson Toros Caruso
1976 Tucson Toros Team Issue
1976 Tulsa Oilers Goof's Pants
1976 Twins Postcards
1976 UPI Superstars
1976 Waterloo Royals TCMA
1976 Wausau Mets TCMA
1976 Whiffle Ball Box*
1976 White Sox TCMA All-Time Greats
1976 Williamsport Tomahawks TCMA
1977 Bristol Red Sox TCMA
1977 Dairy Isle Disc*C
1977 Hostess*C
1977 Hostess Twinkies*
1977 Johnny Mize
1977 Modesto A's Chong
1977 O-Pee-Chee*
1977 Padres Schedule Cards*C
1977 TCMA
1977 Topps*C3
1977 Topps BK Yankees*C
1977 Topps Cloth*C
1977 Venezuelan Sticker
1977 Wiffle Disc
1978 Charleston Charlies TCMA
1978 Big T?Tastee-Freeze Discs*C
1978 Burger King Yankees*
1978 Grand Slam
1978 OPC*C
1978 SSPC
1978 TCMA 1960's*C
1978 Topps*C2
1978 Whiffle Ball Box*
1978 Whiffle Ball *C
1978 Topps Zest*
1979 Diamond Greats
1979 OPC*C
1979 TCMA*
1979 Topps*C2
1979 Topps Comics*C
1980 OPC*
1980 TCMA
1980 Topps*C

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